Name - REASON (Rationalists, Empiricists and Skeptics of Nebraska)
Mission - Our mission is the advancement of rational thinking and promotion of free and open discussion
Policies -
1- REASON shall be nonsectarian, nonpartisan, and nonprofit
2- Policies shall be adopted in accordance with the procedures described below
3- Meetings will be informal except for business matters which will follow Roberts rules of order
Membership - Ascribe to our mission statement, attend meetings and/or regularly participate in list-serve, other events
Dues - $10/year (voluntary)
Voting -
Restricted to members who ascribe to our mission statement. Simple matters require a majority vote of members present. Bylaw changes require a 2/3 vote of members present. Major items must be posted on the list serve at least 1 month prior to voting
Officers -
President, Vice president, Treasurer
Elected once a year, 1st meeting in September
Duties of officers -
President - Solicit meeting chairs, committees as necessary
Treasurer - Keep money, record of dues
Meetings -
1- Omaha meetings will be 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 2:00 PM (Main Library, 15th and Dodge, Omaha) unless otherwise decided.
2- Voluntary chairs will preside over meetings